Digital De-brief: Training near you

almost 9 years ago by Admin
Digital De Brief Training Near You

​Whether you are a web developer, UX designer or project manager it is important to develop and further enhance your technical skills as this is an integral part of your personal development and could set you apart from your competitors. We have hand-picked some training opportunities combined with tips and advice to help you stay ahead of the game.

With over 995k subscribers, 133k followers on twitter and 80k on Facebook, Sitepoint is one of the largest online communities and a fantastic hub for web developers, designers, programmers, product creators and entrepreneurs alike who have a strong passion for the industry. Products include tutorials, blogs, forums, books, videos, kits, courses and an online marketplace.

For those of you involved in any facet of the web, it is important to be aware of emerging web technologies and what is currently possible technically but also to be able to offer ideas on new interactions and experiences with a view to encouraging innovation within your team.

Not only are sound coding and design skills of key importance to be a great web designer, but a number of other core fundamentals are key to your success. There is no substitute for experience and a strong education but it is also important to keep challenging yourself. Mark Schenker has a brilliant article on seven things web designers should master – while some of the coding sections are only for some techies, other great advice such as understanding design process, the art of listening, and business skills are great things to learn for anyone involved in any area of web design.

UX designers require a different set of skills. It is important to be able to turn visually stunning designs into engaging experiences using specific technical skills including CSS, HTML, JavaScript, and Windows GUI standards.

The role of a project manager is to bring teams together to make things happen – it’s all about leading, empowering, facilitating and communicating. Having an understanding of the software development lifecycle and having good foundations is key to the project processes. Econsultancy offer a course on Mastering Digital Project Management – their courses are mainly in London but occasionally offer courses further north.

A great source of training to cover many areas is QA, which is an award winning professional learning service. It covers everything from app and web development to technical IT and project management. Something to suit everyone.

There are also opportunities for courses taken within your company through iTrain ScotlandThese are courses delivered to companies of which Scottish Government funding is available through Skills Development Scotland.

Finally if you want to get back to basics a great way to develop your technical skills is to read! Amazon is a great source of information and there are many relevant books with high ratings.

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