Looking back to move forward

over 4 years ago by Huw Martin
Looking Back To Move Forward 2 1220

​As we approach the end of the year, it’s the time where I tend to look back on the previous year with fondness and think about what’s coming next. This particular year is one that you might describe as a bad dream (that’s putting it mildly) but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t look back on it – warts and all!

Just as the year was progressing nicely, it was time to swing into action with those business continuity plans that we thought would never need to be used. The announcement of the first lockdown saw our business transform itself overnight – moving to complete homeworking and new ways of communicating. Like companies across the world we had to react with speed whilst preserving the lifeblood of our business, our employees’ health & wellbeing, and providing uninterrupted client & candidate service. If there was ever a more important time to be a people centred business, this was it!

Up and down

There have been peaks and troughs as restrictions eased on and off, and for many of us this was hard to balance. One of the things that we have supported our people on is their wellness and resilience; from online workshops and resources, to creating virtual staff rooms and tea & talk sessions where everyone can come together remotely and engage with their colleagues. We also created group-wide fitness activities that we can all do on our own, but with a sense of teamship and togetherness at their core. Looking back, I’m certain that we could have done more, had more impactful sessions, engaged our people better in the remote world - but we definitely tried our best.

We rise by lifting others

Supporting the wider community is always something I am passionate about. I am a regional Board Member of Developing the Young Workforce (DYW) and I deeply believe that developing our young people to give them greater career opportunities is essential. In that same vein, our people at Head Resourcing are our biggest asset and when we had the opportunity to volunteer as the official resourcing partner to the newly formed Scottish Tech Army, we jumped at it. Throughout that experience many of our people gained new skills and confidence in themselves and their abilities, but also, we became part of a tech community that was helping to bridge the digital skills gap of many companies and organisations who were in danger of being overwhelmed financially by the pandemic.

Moving on up, moving online

The theme of moving more online was central to a lot of business activity across the year as we adapted to more screen time and less physical face to face time. Virtual events and catch-ups became the norm, and our support of the Ada Scotland Festival this year meant producing video and digital content, which is perhaps rather apt for an initiative aimed at encouraging young girls into digital careers.

Taking a break to recharge

As we move into 2021, I am doing so with the familiar optimism that a new year brings. The anticipation of great things to come is the tonic that we all need this December. I am saddened that some of our team aren’t going into the new year with us, and like many businesses, we faced unprecedented choices to ensure our longer-term survival. However, we are going forward with new tools in our personal and professional toolkits. If anything, this year we have learned what to value, what to focus on and the limits we can be pushed to.

I hope you all have a wonderful holiday break, and in true 2020 style, make it work for your loved ones in the safest way possible. If technology must play a bigger role than usual, then so be it! Take time out to recharge, top-up your resilience levels and appreciate the small things that can make a big difference.

Some festive gifts

I’ll leave you with a round up of some of our people-based insights across this year, because when bad things happen, good things can flourish in response.

The presents (information) contained in this sleigh of goodies (article) does not constitute business advice and should not be acted on as such. This act of giving (content) is based on our understanding in the current festive season (December 2020). Head Resourcing are not liable for the information contained on any third-party websites linked to this article, nor for any disappointment caused by Santa Claus.

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