3 ways to support more women into STEM roles

about 2 years ago by Gillian Williamson
Intl Womens Day 2023 Blog (770 × 461 Px)

dressCode was founded with the aim to close the gender gap in Computing Science.

They are building a network of dressCode clubs in schools and opportunities such as online competitions for pupils in Primary and Secondary school, including The Hopper Award for Excellence in Computing Science Award. The award, named in honour of Grace Hopper, a pioneer of computer programming is to provide a specific opportunity for female pupils to achieve success in Computing Science in their school. This award is open to all secondary schools in Scotland and around 90 awards have been handed out to date.

Look out for a brand new award from dressCode available for nursery and primary school pupils, ensuring there is a full pipeline of talent and opportunities for pupils from nursery, all the way through to secondary school.

To learn more about DressCode click HERE and the The Hopper Award for Excellence in Computing Science Award HERE.


Women Do Cyber launches 40 new scholarships for career changers and returners

Women Do Cyber is an industry-led programme to upskill and reskill women to progress into entry level cyber security positions, including accessing pathway to Graduate Apprenticeships in Cyber. Opening for a second year by announcing 40 new scholarships for women to undertake certified cyber security learning. This unique scholarship opportunity will also offer women in cyber mentoring support from established women cyber practitioners and technology leaders through the Cisco and SWiT networks.

Application is now open until Easter with the programme commencing 8 May. More information about the programme, learning and modules can be found online HERE.

Women Do Cyber is a partnership between Scotland Women in Technology, Glasgow Caledonian University and Cisco.



Lassies in STEM sets out to uncover female and non-binary role models working in Scotland’s STEM sector to highlight representation for young people.

This project has come from Tanya Howden constantly seeing young people not have the opportunity to see themselves in Scotland’s STEM industries. Lassies in STEM will be celebrating the fantastic talent that we have here in Scotland. The initiative will create a set of resources to share stories of women and non-binary individuals working in STEM to show young people in schools and communities that these pathways are available to them too. 

Lassies in STEM need your help! Share your story by completing the form linked below to be part of this amazing campaign. Just imagine you could feature in classroom friendly displays so young people can see role models who look like them and feel connected to those in industry.

Get involved HERE!

If you have a project or initiative you'd like us to share then please get in touch, we'd love to hear from you.

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